Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tuesday after Memorial Day weekend

I woke up around 5:30am, out of bed at 5:45 am haha...Then after getting fresh and having breakfast, it was time to go workout. It wasn't even 6:30am and I reached there.

I did back workout and some shoulder stretches, it felt awesome. Then about 10  minutes meditation to end. I reached work at 8 am sharp, then the day continued.

Here is what I had for lunch and dinner, they were tasty.

Wai Wai fried with colored peppers, red onion, brocolli and dry fish

After work, I came home straight as I was starting to feel tired and felt I needed to rest. Instead of resting, I came home and then put a load laundry. While laundry was getting washed, I made some mushroom, and also Quinoa with Salmon, Spinach, colored peppers, onion, brocollli. It tasted so good and here what it looked like.
Quinoa fried with Salmon, brocolli, colored peppers, red onion and Muhroom 

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