Sunday, April 15, 2018

This life and the unusual circumstances in our lives

Mom gives you birth tolerating so much pain, then she raises us feeding, changing diapers, wiping all the pee and poop. Everyday parents work so hard so they can feed you well, raise you with good manner and good discipline. Based on how you are brought up, you learn so much good things, if not, you end up with all the bad habits. 

Then we go to school, college and find job so that we can stand on our own feet. We work so hard to be somewhere, help parents and everything else. In life you struggle so much, every step, you face these necessary and unnecessary obstacles. You tackle those and get over everything, move forward. 

You are educated, smart and independent with good manner and discipline bad things still happens to you. Not once, not twice but over and over. That's the time you feel helpless, you want to share your problems to others but that has no meaning. At the end of the day, you have to face all your problems. 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

April snowstorm which looks like will never end right now

Around Friday afternoon, the snow ball shower started. I left work early thinking traffic might not have started. To my surprise, roads were already full of cars. It took me more than 30 minutes to get home. I did my final packing and checked my flight status. All the flight for Saturday were canceled except mine. I didn't know how bad the weather was going to be.

I went to bed early and at 11:12pm, the super scary wind woke me up. It kept me awake for hours. Then around 4 or 5 am, I checked the flight status and it was still on time. I woke up at 8 am and then checked the flight status, still on time. I had an instinct my flight will be canceled when I get to the airport. I talked to my family and then went to get fresh. Around 9 am, my ride came to my house and by that time the snow has started heavy, it looks scary to drive outside.

Plans got canceled, and was time for me to just be home. I made Momo, watched movies, talked to various family members. I had an all day, movie mania. One after another I watched the movies. Purano Dunga, Raani, Secret Superstarsand then Mandira. The last one, I didn't watch. I think Purano Dunga and Secret Superstar were the good movies which I paid attention.

I decided to make some pani puri with the Trader Joes chips. After movie mania, I wanted to sing songs, but couldn't find a good song and record. Then it was time to go to bed. And my day was over. Hopefully when I wake up tomorrow morning, everything will be ok.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

April started but not sure where the Spring days are

March weather seemed like, Spring was coming. Then as April started, the temperature dropped, snowed and then up and down. With the Spring Season, I am hoping to have Spring in life as well. I can't wait for that day. I hope this will be worth the wait. I am starting to feel more lonely. At times, I miss you so much, but then at times I am okay.

Its been over a month now, I have been back, sometimes it is hard to be this way. Hope to be together soon. The days are getting longer and will start to get warmer soon, will feel more and more, this way. Spring, please come to my life soon.