Sunday, February 22, 2015

New things in this new year and Oscar on abc..

There are few things, I have done this year that I have never done before. I just did something a minute ago and I never thought I would do that. However, I am staying positive that would work out. I hope what I paid for will be worth the money I spent.

It was a very cold day, the best part about today is that, it was nice and Sunny outside. Sun just makes me happy. I basked in the sun for a little bit while I dried my nail polish, felt good to get some natural Vitamin D. I wish I could sit in the sun more often. 

Changing topic
The last couple of hours, I have be watching abc, its been broadcasting the Oscar preparation. It has been interesting and fun. Finally after ads after ads, news after news, it broadcasting the Red Carpet fun. Its always so much fun to watch who is wearing what. In the next couple of hours, it will be over and so the day will be. 

I didn't go out today, however I worked out in front of the TV while watching the Oscar stuff. I sweat enough for 45 minutes. Anyways I am hoping good things will happen going forward. 

I will need to stay positive, stay smiling, stay nice etc etc.Good luck to myself on my new effort. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

I kept going without writing an entry in January.

I didn't realize the last time, I wrote in my blog. That's when I noticed, the last time I wrote something was in December.

I somehow don't have much to write these days. I am not sure why. Its just been like that kinda time.