Thursday, March 31, 2016

Selenium WebDriver Automation tests, who would have thought Tooltips can cause issues

This Sprint, my task is to write tests for Scheduled Reports page. When I started planning, I was told to make it resusable so that, one base class can be extended and used by other test classes. I worked on it, nullPointer error time to time initially caused issue for me. I knew what I was doing wrong, but not exactly sure where. I finally got it resolved.

I planned on getting sorted everything today and after executing tests multiple times. I successfully reordered all the tests, and I ran into an error. I didn't what was happening, I ran it over and over, debugged it over and over. The funny thing was, when the test is run alone, it would run successfully. So, I had to watch it carefully, before I caught the issue.

Who would have thought Tooltip in an application would cause issue to the tests. The tooltip showed up and didn't go away from the page, and the test couldn't find the correct button. So, instead of clicking on "Instances" button, it clicked out of the Data Source window. Obviously, it wouldn't find the search window. So, I put a workaround for that as its not an application issue.

As I executed another tests, I found another issue. I manually tried it, I couldn't replicate the issue. I ran the test again and again. That's when I noticed the issue. I showed it to the developer, and he also said, this could be an issue. And I wrote it as a bug. When I ran the test again, I noticed that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, as the data table sometimes loads with the Scheduled Reports.

Oh well, around 5pm, I checked in everything, created a Pull Request and was time to get out. I was so stressed all day, my shoulder and back were so stiff. I decided to listen to music and come home. I did laundry, made some food. Stuffed myself with food and now here I am writing about my day. I can only hope, tomororw wil be a better day. Good luck to me..

Friday, March 25, 2016

The past few days....

With extremely bad headache ad eye ache to now today. I read the email this moring and that made me think even more. Why do this always happen to me ? I am just like, does it always happen to me?
I haven't been myself lately and today for sure.

Today all day, I had the same thing in my mind. Later walked with a coworker to get those things out of my mind. That sorta helped me at the same time, I don't know. I finished the work and stopped into do some grocery and  came home. I thought of going to Chipotle to have dinner and then to Macy's and some stuff for bed and such.

I found the Ralph Lauren pillow which I always buy. Then I found the towels by Hotel Collection.

Hotel Collection Ultimate MicroCotton® Bath Towel Collection

Then I looked for comforter set, they had in one of the stores, except it had 22 pieces. I wasn't quite interested for useless pieces. So, I will be waiting until I find the one that I want. I also checked for the new bed in Macy's. It looked nice, lets see when I decided to purchase.
Sakura 4 piece set

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I feel somewhat relief, hope this is how I always feel if not always at least often

Lately, its been more and more stress. This only on-going stressful days, is making things hard at time. Today, after getting the Pull Request complete, code merge, text execution 100% Success made me feel a bit relief. Since I didn't get enough sleep, I was thinking of leaving work early. Instead, it got so busy. I forgot how tired I was. I enjoyed what I did though, so thats good.

My left shoulder joint was hurting so I wanted pain relief. After trying to finish the tasks, I started feeling stressed only to realize later back of my right shoulder started aching. It was just 5pm, I left work. I headed to the gym, I didn't know what I was going to, but I knew I would figure out.

On the way, I listened to some nice songs on the radio, then reached the Gym. I changed to my gym clothes and decided it was best for me to do some back and abs work along with some relaxing stretching Yoga poses. After 30 minutes of that, I felt good. I decided to go sit in the Sauna for few and I met the lady whom I talked about swimming two weeks ago. We talked for few minutes and it was time to leave the Sauna.

Overall. after gym, I made a stop at Walgreens and came home. I felt relief, the kinda of relief I hadn't felt for a really long time. This feels good. I don't know if this is cause of tiredness or seeing my Code Review approved, test pass. Whichever it is, I am happy. this is a very good feeling and I wish it would last long. And also I wish I would feel this way often.

This is my day today, here I am watching Voice on NBC and typing about my day.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Hmm....Saturday, stayed in bed till late result of talking on phone late

I was somewhat lethargic when I woke up. I made breakfast, prepped for momo and then went to Cub Foods to get some fish along with some other grocery. I was so sleepy while walking around for grocery. I thought I need to reach home asap and maybe take a nap. I guess that's only in my dreams. I came home, sat for a bit and then momo work.

As the day progressed, I did here and there stuff, made momo ate etc. I talked to Shristi cha for few, Nhas cha as well. Then the video chat for few while enjoying the little bit of sun. I again talked to Nhas cha for a bit. I waited for Marina to message so that we can meetup in the Mall. I started getting really really tired, decided to lie down for a bit. I fell asleep for a bit, it was nice. Then Sunny called me and then Rencha and then that was my day.

Now waiting for another call. It's nice to stay in touch with everyone, which is what I like about me. I am pretty good at keeping in touch with people no matter how I am feeling. I might complain a bit about my problems, but at least I do.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Selenium WebDriver With Java

I am into Web-based Automation testing, its challenging, sometimes extremely hectic but the best part is I love it.

Today I just bought my first course on Selenium WebDriver online. I have been working on WebDriver for almost a year now. I saw these courses and thought, it would be nice to learn some as well. I am hoping to learn new things that I do not know. Especially on CSS and Log4j.

No matter how much you log, its not enough. The most I want to get out of is on Log4j. I am excited, lets see how it turns out to be.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Samsung S5 notified me, I am supposed to go to DSW

Reason, I needed to purchased that Mix. No Pump and also receive the Tote along with the beautiful Yoga mat. The past few days of work has been not so much, I am not sure why. I don't know if its because of the lack of sleep, rest or the sunshine less days.

Today is Wednesday, workout was already done during the lunch time. I had the freedom to stop into DSW. I roamed about my first favorite area, and bingo, I found the Mix No 6 Deep Blue Pump. Oh my my, I wanted the red but I was happy with this color anyway. After that, I found another pair, which turns out to be a booty. I wasn't planning on buying it but it was nice and comfy, I couldn't say No. However, I've been thinking about purchasing one of that kind though.

I came home and here are my new lovely things. I can't wait to wear them. My love for shoes....

Mix No. 6 Sarti Platform Pump

Michael Antonio Vixon Bootie

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The weekend I have been waiting for

I was excited and nervous at the same time. I didn't know how it would be and it went great. I don't know the weekend was just beautiful, from weather to all the things that happened. Unexpected things, walk, talk, hangouts etc etc...

To summarize the weekend, I would say, it was beautiful. I want many more and infinity days and weekend like that. I didn't know how I could feel like that again for someone. Now here I am typing this entry, after dropping at the airport, I am home. I am thinking about how the last 48 hours were. It was simply amazing. Nothing more to write, rest time will tell.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

A relaxing Saturday

All I wanted was to relax this weekend. Despite not enough sleep, I was able to do get some stuff done today. I woke up, talked to my parents. then took a shower, did facial, then it was time for some make up. And then was time for some video chat, it was nice. 

The day was relaxing and nice. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Selenium WebDriver JUnit tests errors while running via Bamboo

I have been investigating the reason why my tests keep failing randomly and inconsistently during the overnight Bamboo Plan run. I spent a whole week and one of the reasons, we thought was the window size. So, we decided to set the size for all the tests.

The result of that was to write a reusable one method, and that caused a massive change to all my tests. They are good changes, I had been thinking to do so, but idea somehow wasn't coming. I worked with a coworker to get that done. However, that change also made me do something which I thought isn't a good practice but I had to. I couldn't win that argument. And I let it go and said, whatever you want, I will do. As, it wasn't helping me either way.

So, when Monday started, I was thinking things will start off better. Unfortunately, there were 1-2 tests had randomly failed during the nightly run. And of course, people were concerned about it. I have been checking this for now, almost two weeks. I can totally understand their concern.

Now, after spending two more days this week, I am way more exhausted and burnt. I have no words to describe how I have been feeling with this. I hope I will be able to find the root cause soon.