Saturday, April 25, 2015

The day my country, my city got destroyed by the massive 7.8 Richter scale earthquake.

I woke up to use the restroom, thought I feel tired, perhaps can sleep a bit today. Everything changed the moment I looked at my phone. I had a voicemail Pushpa dai, his voice had fear and pain. I got scared. I then saw Alena bhauju's Viber message. I started getting worried, I checked FB and saw all these pictures and messages.

I wrote to Rencha, her reply came saying "I can't stop crying since I found out". I called home, couldn't get hold of my family. I finally called dad's cell number, it rang but no one picked up. Then it was time t call my brother. After few rings, he picked up. Then I talked dad for a minute. I felt emotional when I heard my dad's voice. Their voice had fear and I could tell they were shaken by what happened.

Today all day, I have been watching news, fb for what's happening, its heartbreaking to see what has happened. Over 1400 death tolls,no one knows how many people are still trapped in those debris. And all those historical monuments which are destroyed.

I hope it won't decide to come again in the next 36 hours, please this is enough. Below are few Historical Monuments no longer exist and its so sad to see its state right now. I hope the government, country will rebuild these as they mean a lot.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Today is the beginning of third week here.

I am enjoying it, and I am also ready to start doing the real work, take lead etc etc. The day was busy, once comparing Subnet datas. At one point, it stopped making sense, what I was looking for. It was a super windy and cold day, feels like just 26 Fahrenheit. 

I left work at 4:30 pm, reached gym early too. I worked out on my arms, it was good. Then it was time for the spin class. The class was awesome and today's workout was awesome. I came home, ate my dinner and stayed in front of the computer while checking I talked to my parents and then Rencha. And I also was talking to Ris dai, my co-worker Fati and then I confirmed the travel. I was excited, now will need to plan the trip. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Nail art, random designs by a nail art enthusiast...

I am a nail polish and nail art enthusiast along with all other stuff. I like to do my nails at least once a week, sometimes more than that. Here are some pictures of Revlon's varieties...

Coastal Surf with Silver                                  Flirt with Silver and Black

Copper Penny

In the money with Silver, White and Black                      Coastal Surf with Silver, White and Black      

Friday, April 17, 2015

This is a post on cars and bikes...

As usual in the West End area, I saw a sleek Maserati, not one but two in a row parked back to back. I went woo when I saw the first only to notice the second a coupe was parked right behind it. Then I saw another one the next day. The same day at work parking lot, someone from work had parked a Black Ninja, super hot. 

So, today I saw another one parked when I went for a walk. I am not sure about their models as I am more interested that its a Maserati. 

Kawasaki Ninja

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A very nice sunny day, it would have been much better..

I woke up, had breakfast, got fresh and headed out to DMV. I found out that I am getting a new number plate. After that I made a stop at the Mall. I found nothing instead was hungry and came home.

To my surprise, there was a Fedex tag hanging outside my mail box. I was excited, I knew what it was for. While I waited to pick up package, I decided to put my new number plate. Boy, that was a challenge. I spent almost 1.5 hours and still couldn't get a stuck bolt out. Actually the whole thing is spinning. One of my coworker tried to help too, no luck.

After spraying the oil, I decided to let it sit for a while. After I picked up my package, I went for a walk, ate some snack and went back to play with the stuck bolt. Half hour later, nothing changed, except my thumbs are really hurting now. So much for nothing. I am a bit frustrated though.

Monday, April 6, 2015

The first day of work...

I was worried all night thinking I might be late, might get into traffic etc. Everything planned as normal except I woke up too many times. Sometimes I am worried for no reason. Hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Friday, April 3, 2015

First shoes of the year and Spring season...

The shoe is not very springy as its a closed Pump.

Kelly & Katie Isabel Glitter Pump

I went to find something and came out with something in my hand. It is pretty cute, can't wait to wear. I have another brand new  cute pair of shoes from Rampage,

Rampage Estie Suede Pumps Heels Shoes