Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day with friiend and her family

I had an alright spin workout, then a very short workout in the pool, just 3 laps I think. Then after getting ready, made a stop at a grocery store, picked up Pineapple, and some other stuff.

I had my lunch Quinoa burger, just the patty with an Organic egg and additional 2 egg whites. While I made those, I got the skew ready in the sticks. It all looked good and then cut the Pineapple. It was 1pm when I was done with everything, I sat for about 30 minutes and was soon time to head out to Orono. It was my first time, the area is good for a nice evening drive, windy roads, slow drive with beautiful lake view.

I had a good time at friend's place. I had a very good homemade Rhubarb pie and also the bakes tasty Butternut squash which both I do not eat. Their house have a nice deck with a lake view. A nice afternoon with new friends.

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