Saturday, May 20, 2017

A rainy Saturday, had two good workout and good food

It was an all day rainy day today. I didn't wake up very fresh, but I made it to the Spin class, I had a great workout. After taking shower and getting ready, I drove to the dealer for the event where I got my stuff. Then made a stop at Target, purchased a swimsuit which I never thought to even look at, also purchased another Speedo Swimcap. 

It was still raining when I came out from Target, it was almost time for my swim class, I had an apple and headed to the class. I tried my new swimsuit and new swim cap. It was awesome and did many laps, some more exercise. After all those workout, I came home and decided to eat the 9 momos left in the freezer. The achaar was super tasty. While momo was getting steamed, I had the achaar with some healthy Chips from Trader Joes. 

I didn't go outside rest of the day, had the weather been nice, would have gone to the MidTown market to watch those dance but I didn't as it didn't stop rain. And as for dinner, here is what I did to the Pad Thai leftoever from Friday lunch, it looked much better and tasted better as well. I should go  to that restaurant be their Chef. ðŸ˜ƒ

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