Friday, July 21, 2017

Just another Friday

I've not had a chance to write anything since June, which says, I am been so busy. I couldn't even remember the last time, I wrote something here. 

Since moving, I have been busy at work, tired and all those things. Its Friday today and I am ready for the day to be over. I just want to be home, watch some movie and relax. Then go to bed regular time.This week, I have not done a lot of workout. 

Monday - 15 laps in the pool
Tuesday - 30 minute Interval biking and  15 minute strech/cool down
Wednesday - 1 hour walk and 50 minutes swim
Thursday - No workout, a bit walk
Friday - Tired again, so only did 30 minutes swim about 12 laps in the pool. 

I need to lift some weight and do cycling. As I am sitting at work, seeing how it looks outside, wish it was a day off for me. Just another day. Only thing, I can wish and hope, the day will be nice and will end with relaxing something.

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