Saturday, July 29, 2017

Newari style ANMN Picnic today

i didn't go to gym instea did a 2.5 miles walk, I got so much Vitamin D and sweated as well.

I was debating whether to go or not, them decided to wear haaku patasi and go. It was a very good decision. I was a chief guest for a moment, everyone appreciated what I was wearing along with the ehla loo-e-gu jya jho.

Overall, it was a well organized picnic, with not just eating plan also Langoor-burja game, bingo, tug of war and finlally the dance instructed by the Salsa dance instructor. Too bad, I couldn't participate.

After the party, I was off to a didi's to get ready for my next party. They helped me fix the sari, everyone really loved my sari color along with the blouse. I had to give the credit to my aunt who made it for me. I also had very tasty rasberi and dhhau. Then it was time to say good bye to all and headed to the party.

I met a lot of people, I had fun talking to all. By the time, I left it was late and almost 11pm when I got home. A very nice Satutrday well spent.

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