Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday today, the day I had an appointment with the Ortho

The day started out okay and the appointment just afternoon. I waited about 5-10 minutes when the nurse came to get me. She was very thorough on the checkup before the doctor arrived after looking at my MRI report.

I waited, waited, started to think, they forgot about me, as the nurse didn't come back with a doctor for more than 30 minutes. Really ? Do I pay $$$ to wait ? My time has value too, and I have to go back to work too. Anyways, finally the doctor came and briefly explained the one of the images. I was upset, really upset that now I have to come back again to see another doctor, pay about $150 - $200 for a visit, leave work and get there.

I wish the doctor has referrred me the other doctor in the first place. I got back to work a bit pissed off. I had to cool down and so I went for a short walk with my walking partner. I was okay afterwards. Since I was gone from work for 2 hours, I skipped my Yoga, as I had planned, I didn't get to Spin class, which wasn't good. Instead I came home, made some food and relaxed. And the day was over.

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