Sunday, April 16, 2017

New Year Day and the weekend

The day started out okay, I had barfi to take to work. Many of my coworkers ate saying yummy tasty, some went for seconds, made me feel good.

Then around 7:30pm, friends reached from Sioux Falls, SD. I had the dinner ready by that time so it all worked out. We stayed up till late, chatting, it was a very good Friday evening. 

After breakfast at home, we went to the temple. It was busy as they had a celebration going on. It was almost time for me to come back for my swim class, so we all came home, my friends went to have lunch at a Afgani restaurant, while I went to swim. 

After the swim class and their lunch, we went to Minnehaha Falls. The weather was nice and we had a great time there. On the way back, we went to have Momo at Himalayan Restaurant. On the way out, we had Gwaa, sauji offered so much of that, and that was the best part there. 

We ate so much that, we wanted to stop at the Ridgedale Mall. After about and hour in the Mall, we came home to relax and watch some funny vidoes, around 11pm, we called it a night and went to bed. 

By 9am, we got ready, had ainthamari, tea, milk and then was time to go to Buddhist bihar in Hampton. Since it was their New Year as well, there was a big celebration with event was going on. It gave my mind peace, it was so much fun being there, watching Cambodian culture. Around noon, we bought some snacks from the food booths, we sat outside the bihar an had food. 

We all had fun and peace to our mind. We then made a stop at Preium Outlet Mall. We spent just over an hour in there. All of us bought at least one stuff. I purchased a sweater from Loft, and it was beautiful. Around 3pm, we reached home. They left by 4pm. When I came upstairs after they left, it felt so quiet and sunney-sunney in my place. The weekend was over and back to reality for me. 

One good weekend, well spent with friends from Sioux Falls, SD. 

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