Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 1st which in the first weekend of this month

I woke up, then headed to the gym for my spin class. After the spin class, showered, got ready and made a stop at Erik's bike shop for a pair of new cycling shoes.  I have the pedals for these shoes but haven't found the shoes that I wanted. The one I want is black shoes with some Fushia pink linings and that only comes for road biking not for spin and road biking purpose.

After I got done looking at the house, I made a stop at DSW shoes and found a nice pair of New Balamce workout shoes. It looked and felt so nice, I had to buy it. I also asked whether I could still return the Nike pair which is been sitting in the box from months, which I hardly wore once inside.

My new purchase on the Fool's Day haha....

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